Leo has written original sketches for CollegeHumor, Buzzfeed, Funny Or Die and many other sites. He writes fulltime for viral article website FirstSlice.com, and he has an unhealthy obsession with tacos. If you need a comedic writer, actor or stand-up comedian, he is your man. Contact him at email: leo.margul@gmail.com or phone: (617)335-0856

Contact show producers...
See the trailer:
Listen to show theme song "I've Lost My Mind" below for free, plus read lyrics:
(click on black bar below):
Two episodes of Brokenhearted Hollywood were screened at the Indie Chicks International Film Festival on November 11th, 2016 7:00 pm. at the Laemmle Monica Film Center in Santa Monica, CA.
(We can now add this laurel to our Hollywood & Vine Film Festival Win!)
The Indie Chicks International Film Festival was sponsored by Big House LA Entertainment Festival. They own 9 other film festivals. We highly recommend them based on our amazing experience with their awesome staff; communication, promotion of the event itself, promotion of each film on every social media you can think of, and venue (great sound, plush seats, AND popcorn!)....they missed nothing. Send them your best material to be considered for one of their upcoming film festivals. http://bighouse-la.com/ Good luck!

We were also honored with the Hollywood Screening Award for Semi-Finalist this year!

We are so grateful for the first win in 2015 at the Hollywood & Vine Film Festival! We are featuring them in an upcoming episode.

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY APRIL 14th, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub VS Low Self-esteem Part 2 of 2: An exciting episode! We flash-backed to an awesome guest from Season 1, Kane Anthony Blust! Then we t.v. debuted his new cooking show! He produced a few cooking shows, so we featured one of them tonight: Cooking With Kane EPISODE 004 (which is on his youtube channel Kane Richard Anthony Blust)! Also on tonight's show, we introduced www.endangeredspecies2050.com! Check it out and find out how you can help stop the inevitable mass extinction of both animals and fauna! Also, the debut video of Carmen's song 'Why is the world falling?' was on tonight! Click to watch on youtube as well! This show is part 2 of 1, and Carmen moves on from the memory board to the future half of the board: making new memories that make you feel GREAT about yourself!

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY MARCH 30th, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub VS Low Self-esteem Part 1 of 2:
Brokenhearted Hollywood is excited to help you overcome regret and low self-esteem so that nothing will drag you down as you pursue your very important dreams! Our version of a 'memory board' will help. Carmen also shares all sorts of things about her past which she included on her memory board, including her big 1980's hair. In this episode, Carmen shares her emotional trauma of becoming aware of all the garbage in our oceans that entangle precious sea and shore animals. Untangling birds from hooks, fishing line, and string took over her life. Today, Carmen sits on the board of an awesome non-profit organization called Mountain and Sea Adventures. This amazing organization runs kids camps and family camps which impart a deep personal appreciation for marine biology and environmental science. Families learn the importance of caring for our vulnerable environment. Schools book camps all year long as a source of education and hands-on experience. The camps are held at Emerald Bay on Santa Catalina Island (as well as ship tours), and Camp Oakes at Big Bear in the San Bernardino National Forest. Check out the website and be amazed at what they are accomplishing! If you know anyone or any group that would benefit from these camps, please pass on the information. If you end up visiting the camps, please tell them that Carmen & Brokenhearted Hollywood sent you! Their website is www.mountainandsea.org .

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY MARCH 16th, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Benny Traub Part 1 of 3:
WONDERFUL! LA36 is rerunning this episode tonight! Enjoy Benny's insight on how to overcome unforeseen obstacles on the journey towards your dreams. (This episode is a rerun. See full write up below from first air date.)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY March 3rd, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE Carmen & BIG HOUSE LOS ANGELES & THE AWESOME HOUSE OF FAME: CONGRATULATION TO TONIGHTS BIG WINNERS FOR THE BROKENHEARTED HOLLYWOOD SEASON 2 AWARDS AIRING TONIGHT @ MIDNIGHT ON CHANNEL LA36 (or livestream www.la36.org). We are VERY excited about tonight’s presentation to BIG HOUSE LOS ANGELES for Best Contribution to Hollywood, and to their prized employee ZACH SELLENBERG who is awarded with THREE awards because he is so outstanding: Best Hollywood Social Media Expert, Best Hollywood Support Person, and Best Person In The World Of Film. Big House and Zach Sellenberg were chosen because they are genuinely serving and supporting content makers in extraordinary ways. They are making Hollywood better and we are very grateful. Big House LA is a film festival umbrella company www.bighouse-la.com. Also on tonight’s episode of Brokenhearted Hollywood, Carmen takes you on a journey into The Awesome House of Fame. We hope you enjoy! P.S. This week's Oscars hosted by Jimmy Kimmel was side-splitting hilarious! Thank you Oscars for 4 hours of fun!

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY FEBRUARY 2ND, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Benny Traub Part 3 of 3: “Get your self-limiters away from the gas pedal, so that you can release your full 260 horsepower...”, Benny says on part 3 of my interview with him on Brokenhearted Hollywood. We discuss how to be the best ‘you’ that you can be and what that means. Hint: it involves aligning your values, beliefs and goals; “If you can get there, your responses will become far more appropriate for the opportunity, or the risk", Benny says. If you watched part 2, you would remember Benny saying, “If you can get it right on the inside, you WILL get it right on the outside.” Benny takes us on the final journey of self-discovery and gives tips on how to get our inner gears/inner pieces right. This is all about you pursing your dreams, goals, and assignments and making it to the finish line. Benny and I complete our interview the only way we know how: Chocolate cake covered in chocolate ganache icing, topped with a pile of shaved white chocolate and dark chocolate covered coffee beans, plus a cup of coffee (YES!). I wish I could given cake & coffee to all of you! Come join us tonight at midnight on T.V. CHANNEL LA36, or livestream at midnight on www.la36.org. When you get to that page, just click the arrow on the black screen for ‘play’ and it should start shortly. Having troubles? Try a different browser (ie Explorer, Chrome etc. Some work better than others and can vary from time to time. Good luck!)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY JANUARY 19th, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific TimeCarmen Traub & Ace Salvador - Part 1 of 2: Join Carmen with her special guest director/producer/writer, Ace Salvador. Though Ace is a young man, his unrestrained drive towards his goals has garnered him early success, as well as a plethora of real experiences in Hollywood; both good and bad. He will share with us his personal keys to success. (This is a re-run. See full details on this episode below when episode first aired.)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY JANUARY 5th, 2017 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Benny Traub Part 2 of 3: Need some tools to help keep your morale high so you can hit it hard tomorrow as you pursue your dreams? Tomorrow is a new day, and tonight is Part 2 with my hubby Benny Traub. LIVESTREAM NOW www.la36.org or channel LA 36. We continue our conversation about creating a positive chemical climate in your head. Words are powerful, so positive self-affirmations help overcome low self-esteem issues and build up confidence. No one is going to do it for you...though they may try...you have to work for it yourself. It gets easier and easier, and when you are up you will stay up longer, and when you are down you won't go as low. Hopefully you will never hit rock bottom again. 🙂 You are so important, so please don't give up on your dreams.

This RE-RUN IS AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY DECEMBER 22, 2016 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Anael Rojas Part 2 of 2: Part 2 of the interview with make-up artist Anael Rojas, is chock-full of inspirational ideas to help arm your mind and heart for the challenges you often face as you set out to fulfill your dreams. (See full write up below from first air date.)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY DECEMBER 8th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & James Runcorn - Part 1 of 2:
Meet actor James Runcorn! Find out about all of his MANY skills, and watch a hilarious short film he made called “Mick and James Write Together – Episode 2” featuring an old high-school buddy, Mick Wingert who does the 'Jack Black' voice impression for Po on Kungfu Panda the series. This episode was also aired at the Indie Chicks Film Festival as well as part 2. We won the festival in our category! (See full episode write up below from first air date.)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 24th, 2016 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Benny Traub Part 1 of 3:
Wow, I got to introduce my very own amazing Husband on Brokenhearted Hollywood! I even made him a decadent chocolate cake smothered with a rich chocolate ganache icing (his favorite!), adorned with white chocolate shavings, two chocolate swirled hearts, and dark chocolate covered coffee beans. The coffee press was hot and ready to go. I wanted to surprise him by having his favorite cake on set, but unfortunately, he caught me icing it the night before the shoot! This is part one of three episodes, and part one aired on Thursday Nov. 24th, but they may air it again tonight. Our show is on the schedule, but we are not sure which episode will air (they usually let us know, but if we don’t hear from them, it’s often a re-run of an episode). If you are up at midnight and need some encouragement as you pursue your dreams, turn to channel 36 or livestream www.la36.org. It may be re-run on December 8th. In this episode, we talk about depression and how to overcome it. Long-term depressive emotions can become debilitating and often lead to terrible outcomes. There are ways to take control and begin to feel happy and hopeful again. Benny talks a lot about chemicals in our brains, hormones in our bodies, and neurotransmitters that can all work together for our good....or for our demise. Benny is a motivational speaker and is passionate about equipping people for success and helping them fulfill their dreams, which is why I invited him onto the show. Also, he has watched me struggle through my dream pursuits in the creative field, and therefore has a depth of understanding of what it is like to watch someone encounter those distressing closed doors. He has wiped several of my tears away and tried to sooth my broken heart. He is also the founder of the Marketing Guild of America, he is the Executive Director of The American Wealth Association, and he is the Dean of the Marketing Education Academy. As far as the film industry goes, he created our family run business 'Marketing Videos TV' (www.marketingvideos.tv) and together we have produced a myriad of marketing videos (from script to end product). Benny has done much of the writing and producing for our pieces. Also, he is responsible for first identifying our son’s writing and film-making gift when our son Izzy was eight years old, and thusly started equipping him for the trade. As a husband and wife team, we are so thrilled to watch our son’s dreams unfold before our eyes; he has his own VFX company now (www.vantiyfx.com) and just finished his first feature film “Sleepless” (here is a write up with teaser and pics http://screenanarchy.com/2015/10/exclusive-sleepless-teases-drugs-guns-and-naked-backs-gallery.html). I shared all of that, just to say that Benny is genuinely compassionate towards Hollywood dream-chasers; he lives with two of them. We shot three episodes.

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY NOVEMBER 10, 2016 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- SEASON 2. EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Anael Rojas Part 2 of 2: Part 2 of the interview with make-up artist Anael Rojas, is chock-full of inspirational ideas to help arm your mind and heart for the challenges you often face as you set out to fulfill your dreams. Also, "beware of weeds in your garden". Carmen discusses lesson's learned from leech weeds and runner weeds. Our lives are like a garden, and if the wrong people 'root' themselves in our lives, they will make it difficult to move forward. Are intimate friends or family undermining you, berating you, or discouraging you in an unhealthy way? Are people trying to dominate you, rather than help you soar? Distancing yourself from such people will likely be the best action to take. But uprooting negative people from your life can be difficult, and they may over-react when they find out that you have taken control of your life. If you or someone you know is very deep in an abusive relationship, Carmen posted this help line: International Abuse Hotline: 1-800-799-7233. Carmen & Anael also discuss how low-self esteem issues can cause you to self-destruct before reaching your goals. Hear tips on how to combat self-loathing/self-hate thoughts. Becoming happy and staying happy takes work, and if you are prone to depressive thoughts and emotions, you may have to work a little harder. But, you will get stronger until you actually are happy and content most of the time. There are so many more tips on this show, so be sure to tune in! Also, for beauty make-up work, contact Anael Rojas for any upcoming projects: rojasanael@yahoo.com and view before & after pictures at: www.instagram.com/stunningface_byanael/ She will also be offering make-up classes, so contact her for the schedule.

Carmen Traub interviewing make-up artist Anael Rojas

Carmen & incredible make-up artist Mike Spatola, with his manual's.
Purchase Monstrous Makeup Manual's 1 & 2 at: www.monstrousmakeup.com. Also, consider helping Mike Spatola with Monstrous Manual Book #3!

Check out Izzy Traub's VANITYFX.COM which was featured on the show for VFX work. Specializing in high quality visual effects for low budget films.
AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY OCTOBER 27, 2016 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Anael Rojas Part 1 of 2: Kicking off Season 2 of Brokenhearted Hollywood, we are pleased to have make-up artist Anael Rojas on the show! Carmen discovered Anael at Starbucks in Beverly Hills when Anael simply gave Carmen the most sincere and kindest smile. Carmen noticed her amazing make-up and asked Anael if she was a make-up artist. You never know how you will be 'seen' by people who will want to help you. Don't hesitate to shine who you are. Your gift will make room for you and people will honor you at the right time. In this episode, watch a live before-and-after beauty make-over by this up and coming artist, Anael! Carmen continues to encourage viewers to pursue their dreams, and Anael helps support this inspiring conversation. Anael is near the beginning of her life-long dream pursuit, and Carmen is well into her 2nd, 3rd & 4th chances of fulfilling all of her dreams. The dichotomy of these two women being at different stages of their dream pursuit, lends to interesting conversation about avoiding life’s pitfalls along the way towards your dreams. Also in this episode, Carmen takes you on a journey into the exciting world of Special Effects by introducing you to MONSTERPALOOZA (www.monsterpalooza.com); an event that happens twice per year which encompasses all things gory and fearful on and off the big screen. Artist sell frightening wares, and live make-up artists transform beautiful people into horrifying creatures before your eyes. Carmen took a Special Effects course at Monsterpalooza that was sponsored and taught by Mike Spatola (2 time EMMY and 2 time ACE Award nominee for Outstanding Individual Achievement in Make-up and C.A.O. of Cinema Makeup School in Los Angeles), author of Monstrous Makeup Manual's 1 & 2 www.monstrousmakeupmanual.com. What an amazing teacher and artist who has worked on so many movies that we love. We are so lucky to have him in the industry. In contrast to traditional Special Effects services, Carmen discusses VFX (Visual Effects) which are digital in nature. As a proud mom, Carmen can't help but to talk about her son Izzy's VFX company Vanity FX (www.vanityfx.com) which specializes in VFX for on-screen projects. Contact him for your next project! Also, for beauty make-up work, contact Anael Rojas for any upcoming projects: rojasanael@yahoo.com and view before & after pictures at: www.instagram.com/stunningface_byanael/

We are excited to have Leo Margul as our featured artist from Season 1 of Brokenhearted Hollywood. You will see him on the final episode called 'Carmen Traub & David Shadle/Easton Gym Part 2 of 2' which features Hollywood's historic Easton Gym Co. Easton Gym also owns a cafe below the gym called MOJO Cafe. We met Leo at MOJO Cafe during a special improv & comedy night event held in the cafe. Leo was participating in the improv segment of the show, and his natural ability to become any character was showcased, as well as his quick and hilarious wit! At the end of the evening, we asked if anyone wanted to talk on-camera to our Brokenhearted Hollywood audience and offer encouragement and advice on how to pursue your dreams in Hollywood. Leo was one of the first to volunteer. This is where Leo's empathetic and kind character was revealed. Thank you Leo for encouraging us to keep being persistent on our journey to our dreams.
AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY JUNE 23, 2016 AT MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & David Shadle/Easton Gym - Part 2 of 2: This is the continuation of a special health edition, shot at historical Easton Gym Co. Hollywood. In this episode, we meet David's betrothed: Nicki Renna. Nicki is a professional t.v./script writer, as well as health expert and food creator. She shares vital exercise tips necessary to live an optimum life, as well as shows us her uber-healthy and delicious food creations from her company SKINNY GENIUS! (www.skinnygenius.com) Next, we chat more with Easton Gym Co.'s co-owner David Shadle, and hear about his favorite Los Angeles charity, Project Angel Food (www.angelfood.org) This amazing group's mission is to feed and nourish the sick as they battle critical illness. Volunteers and staff cook and deliver nutritious meals, free of charge, to homes throughout Los Angeles County to alleviate hunger, prevent malnutrition and return their clients to health. There are many ways to support this group, but we would LOVE IT if you hired them to cater your next event or shoot. Thank you in advance! And please tell them you heard about their charity from Brokenhearted Hollywood 🙂 Also in this episode, we head downstairs to Easton Gym Co's MOJO Cafe to check out one of their special events! This event was their Improv & Comedy night. We were SUPER lucky to interview 2 very special guys who took time to encourage us to never give up as we pursue our dreams. First, meet Leo Margul, a hilarious comedian, actor, and very talented and creative writer. He keeps it real and tells us how he has managed the tough times. Second, meet another writer and stand-up comedian, Eric Wielo. (Leo and Eric entertain us with their zany improv in MOJO Cafe) Eric is rich with good advice born from experience. He says that finding community is important, warns us that comparison with others is the killer of joy, and ends on three main keys to thriving in Hollywood: log the hours, work hard, & be nice. Third, we meet a spicy and hysterically hilarious actress and director, Kinsey Diment (http://www.kinseydiment.com/) (She also works at MOJO, helping to create an awesome cafe experience!) Please don't hesitate to contact our guests for your next project!

Actor/director Kinsey Diment in Easton Gym Co's MOJO Cafe. Spice up your project with Kinsey! Contact: www.kinseydiment.com

Lucky to have this talented actor/comedian/writer Leo Margul on our show telling us not to give up! Contact Leo for your next projec! leo.margul@gmail.com

Comedian/improvisor/writer Eric Wielo tells us how to survive in Hollywood! Contact: www.wieloco.com

Nate Mott with Carmen Traub at Easton Gym Co.'s 'Mojo Cafe'
AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY May 18th PLUS RERUN June 9th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & David Shadle/Easton Gym - Part 1 of 2: This is a special health edition, shot at Easton Gym Co. Hollywood (historic since 1938 with former founding members such as legends: Cary Grant, Gregory Peck & fitness superhero Jack LaLanne). Carmen interviews gym owner and trainer to the stars, David Shadle, who has created a sense of community at the gym; a home away from home. Together they discuss the importance of nutrition and exercise; keeping body and mind in top condition to help strengthen you emotionally as you pursue your Hollywood Dream. Many people who come to Hollywood are on a 'Ramen Noodle Budget'. Carmen gives tips on how to supplement such a budget, "Don't become malnutritioned in Hollywood" :). Carmen discovers Mojo Cafe, which is seated right below Easton Gym Co. and which is owned by the gym. Follow her down and find out what makes this place so incredibly special! Meet Mojo Cafe manager Nate Mott who show's us what sets Mojo Cafe apart from other cafe's. There is a lot of stuff packed in this episode. We hope you enjoy the journey! VISIT Easton Gym Co. Hollywood 8053 Beverly Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90048 Info@eastongymco.com 323.651.3636 WEB: www.eastongymco.com

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY May 5th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: RE-RUN OF EPISODE: Carmen Traub & James Runcorn - Part 1 of 2! (Scroll down this page to see original post about this episode)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY April 21st, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: RE-RUN OF EPISODE: Carmen & Richard Kane Blust - Part 2 of 2!
(Scroll down this page to see original post about this episode.)

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY April 7th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: RE-RUN OF EPISODE: Carmen & Kane Richard Blust- Part 1 of 2!
(Scroll down this page to see original post about this episode.)

AIRING ON Channel LA36 TBA-- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & Ace Salvador - Part 1 of 2: Join Carmen with her special guest director/producer/writer, Ace Salvador. Though Ace is a young man, his unrestrained drive towards his goals has garnered him early success, as well as a plethora of real experiences in Hollywood; both good and bad. He will share with us his personal keys to success, and how perseverance has been paramount: "That's how I have applied myself to almost ever aspect in my career; I just don't stop. It's really your inherent will, your willpower. Your desire to succeed that badly! When everyone else is still complaining and struggling and wrestling with their emotions about what they can't do, while you are out there submitting resume's at 11:30 at night!...." Ace has also spent many hours in the casting chair and will tell us what he looks for when auditioning actors. As a director, Ace shares key's to making your next shoot a great experience for everyone. Carmen chose Ace to direct Brokenhearted Hollywood because Ace is genuinely empathetic towards those who are facing the Hollywood struggle. His desire lines up with Carmen's desire for everyone to have their dreams fulfilled in their lifetime. Note: if you livestream, go directly to www.la36.org and wait for the livestream to automatically start. If it doesn't start, click once on the black screen; then it should start. Enjoy! AND, don't stop pursuing your dreams 🙂

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY March 10th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: RE-RUN OF EPISODE: Carmen & James Runcorn - Part 2 of 2!

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY February 25th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & James Runcorn - Part 2 of 2: James Runcorn and Carmen continue their zany journey together in the studio, discovering more about James, and then dissecting the heart of someone who died of a broken heart. James finishes this episode with an awesome song; his debut performance of this hot new single called 'If I'.

AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY February 11th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub & James Runcorn - Part 1 of 2:
Meet actor James Runcorn! Find out about all of his MANY skills, and watch a hilarious short film he made called “Mick and James Write Together – Episode 2” featuring an old high-school buddy, Mick Wingert who currently does the voice of ‘Po’ on the t.v. series Kungfu Panda (he sounds EXACTLY like Jack Black). We laugh our heads off, and then find out about James’s incredible journey towards his acting dream. James had a rough childhood to overcome before making his way to Hollywood (which you will hear more of in the upcoming part 2 of our interview). He shares with us how he has dealt with shut doors and hard knocks from life. We touch on the following questions: Where is your identity? Is your dream destroying your life? What should you do if it is?
To contact James Runcorn, contact agent Siona Entertainment 310-634-5050 Click here to view his 'James Runcorn IMDB' page as well.
AIRING ON LA36 THURSDAY JAN 28th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- EPISODE: Carmen Traub and Kane Richard Blust - PART 2 of 2
In this episode, you’ll find out more about actor & musician Kane Richard Blust, including his awesome music! Then Carmen will discuss the importance of knowing your potential, knowing who you are, and how to get free from the pressure of having to please others as you navigate your dreams; diamonds are the key. Kane seems to have an extra load of encouraging things to say that we’re sure will make a difference in your life. As he says, “Never give up! Just don’t.”
Carmen's featured song 'Abrasive' will help you guard against naysayers and people who are not on your team. Below are more links promised from this episode.
Contact Kane Richard Blust:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kane.richard.anthony.blust
On IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3840781/
Find Kane's Omega Man and We The Virus here:https://soundcloud.com/kane-richard-blust
ABOUT ABRASIVE (click on CD to listen & read lyrics free)
A friend surprised me with these words,“Carmen, I don’t believe I need to be around anyone who makes me feel bad.”Those words did something on the inside of my heart, and I realized that most of the people in my life made me feel terrible. Until that moment, I didn’t realize that I could do anything other than cope with painful and uncomfortable relationships. I had even picked up the notion that somehow negative people would make me a better person. But instead, I was becoming weaker and more fearful as I allowed people to dominate in a hurtful way. With this sudden recognition of the fact that I had a choice, I decided to ‘get strong’ and put a stop to the worst of the abusers. I had always turned to my music for comfort, and after making the hardest stand against an abuser, and hanging up the phone on them (unheard of!!) I sat down and wrote ‘Abrasive’. The song continued to strengthen me as I culled out the bad, to make room for the good.
. That year, I had the song produced and got it into the hands of a commercial radio station DJ who took the song into their weekly music meeting. Everyone loved it and they put it into rotation right away. Many people connected with the song and its message, and the song aired for 8 months every day. It charted at #17 and frequented the top 6 @ 6:00 and the top 7 @ 7:00 of most requested songs of the day. It was furthermore voted as one of the best songs of the year. The song has since been remixed and is ready to be heard again...like on today’s episode of Brokenhearted Hollywood (Carmen Traub and Kane Richard Blust - Part 2of 2). The song is free for you to listen to and I hope it helps you. If you are at this site and are a radio DJ or program director, please contact me and I will send you a cd.

Above is Izzy Traub's short film 'Claret' was mentioned in episodes 1 & 2 of Carmen's interview with Kane Richard Blust. Izzy, (host Carmen Traub's son) wrote and directed this short when he was 17. The film was shot in Los Angeles, Ca. He is now 22, has completed his writing and directing courses at UCLA, and just finished his first feature film called 'Sleepless'. Sleepless is securing distribution through Los Angeles rep Lotus Entertainment:http://lotusentertainment.com Here is the trailer for 'Sleepless':
Below is a music video Izzy directed for Amsterdam music label giant Armada Music for their artist John Dahlback. Song is called 'Count to Ten': For other potential writing/directing work for Izzy, please contact: carmen@brokenheartedhollywood.com
Airing on LA36 THURSDAY JAN 14th, 2016 at MIDNIGHT Pacific Time -- Episode: Carmen Traub and Kane Richard - Part 1 of 2
BlustThis episode of Brokenhearted Hollywood features special guest actor & musician Kane Richard Blust! We will spend some time getting to know him (you will LOVE him, he is lots of fun!), and then Carmen and Kane will dive into discussing tips on how to keep your moral high while following your dreams in Hollywood. You will also find out how to prepare for unforeseen circumstances that may attempt to derail your dream, as well find out what eggs have to do with your life pursuit.
Contact Kane Richard Blust:
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/kane.richard.anthony.blust
On IMDb: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm3840781/
Music: https://soundcloud.com/kane-richard-blust